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In-Person Services at AJ 
All services will be conducted in person at AJ. At this time, all services will be available via Zoom. Please continue to register for Friday evening and Saturday morning services by using the link(s) below, or by using the service sign-up form link in the weekly email. Your registration will help us keep the building secure.

Service Sign-up Form for February 2025

Please familiarize yourself with our March 2024 COVID-19/respiratory illness policies.  We ask that attendees of services and events at AJ review the policies and agree to them.

Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP)
Congregation Adath Jeshurun, dedicated to the Jewish value of learning for its own sake (Torah lishmah), is excited to announce a partnership with the Orange County Community Scholar Program (CSP). As a partner with CSP, we’ll join a small group of synagogues enjoying the best Jewish learning available. AJ has the distinction of being the first Pennsylvania synagogue to partner with CSP. You can see the CSP offerings for the current month here. Please note that times on CSP web pages are Pacific Time unless noted otherwise. If you register and can’t attend, a link will be sent to you after the event to a recording. There is also an archive of classes that you can view here.

Midweek Mindfulness!
Thursday Mornings: Moment of Mindfulness (no registration necessary)
Sit and engage in a mindful meditation, deep, healing breathing or gentle movement on Thursday mornings from 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM. Meet us in the Strauss Chapel immediately after minyan breakfast. Come as you are, come from home or work or from minyan. Join your friends or bring a friend for a moment of mindfulness, calm and community! No registration is needed.  

Purim Shpiel Rehearsals
Next Rehearsal will be Wednesday, February 12 at 7:30 PM in the Braemer

This year, Rav Hazzan Glantz will be leading the congregation in a shpiel written by Charles and Frances Davidson z"l called "The Story of Purim in Song and Verse." It was first performed in 1958. If you would like to be in the shpiel, contact Rav Hazzan Glantz at or 215.635.6611, ext. 122. Rehearsals will continue on Wednesday evenings at AJ until March 5.

You know Soyeon Bin from our professional choir and organ services. She is multi-talented, the Director of the Rutgers Concert Choir, and super nice.  So we are very blessed that Soyeon will be our accompanist and director.

Refugee Shabbat Lunch 'N Learn
Saturday, February 15 at 12:15 PM

The Social Action Committee invites you to join us for a Lunch 'N Learn for Refugee Shabbat following services on Saturday, February 15.  Our speaker will be Cathy Miller-Wilson from HIAS-PA. The cost of lunch is $10 per person. Please register here

AJ Bereavement Group
Monday, February 17 at 7:30 PM (no registration necessary)                              ***Note change of date***
Rav Hazzan Glantz leads this monthly gathering specifically designed to foster a secure, confidential, and non-judgmental environment that encourages individuals to freely express their emotions. Irrespective of the time elapsed since one's loss, everyone is welcome to participate, as there are no qualifying or disqualifying criteria. A warm invitation is extended to everyone interested in attending these meetings. Feel free to contact Rav Hazzan Glantz in advance with any questions. Following evening minyan at 7:30 PM at AJ. 

Jewsday Night at the Movies: Crossing Delancey (comedy/love story)
Thursday, February 20 at 7:30 PM ***Note change of date***
Once a month this winter/spring, we will come together to watch a Jewishly-inspired movie. We’ll start by watching the film (popcorn included) and finish the evening with a discussion or Q & A led by Rav Shai. This month, it's Crossing Delancey. Thirty-something Isabelle “Izzy” Grossman spends her time going from her tiny, solitary West Side apartment to that of her grandmother on the Lower East Side. In between, Izzy builds a glowing reputation at the swank bookstore where she works. While her grandmother plots to find her a romantic match, Izzy is courted by a married, worldly author, Anton, yet can’t seem to shake the down-to-earth appeal of Sam, a pickle vendor. Starring Amy Irving, Peter Riegert, Jeroen Krabbé, and Sylvia Miles. 1988 (United States), directed by Joan Micklin Silver. Please register here.

Adult Ed Lunch 'n Learn: “Israeli Art Before Statehood”with Shirel Horovitz
Saturday, February 22 at 12:15 PM
Shirel Horovitz will be joining us once again — in person this time! — for a Lunch ‘n Learn about “Israeli Art Before Statehood.” You may remember her from when she joined us in January after 10/7 to discuss Israeli art after 10/7. Horovitz earned her BFA from the prestigious Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem (2007) and her MA (2015) from The Interdisciplinary Art program at Tel Aviv University. She has exhibited in major galleries, museums, and art festivals in Israel and the U.S. Shirel is the recipient of the Rabinovitch Foundation Artist Prize 2018 and the Weismann Art Grant of JCFOC for 2023. Alongside her art practice, Shirel teaches art, lectures, gives art tours, and is an art consultant to various private groups and institutions. The cost of lunch is $10 per person. Please register here.

Adult Ed Brunch 'n Learn: “Celebrating Fiddler on the Roof,”with Maestro Karl Middleman
Sunday, February 23 and March 2 at 10:00 AM

Last year marked the 60th anniversary of the original stage production of Fiddler on the Roof, one of the most venerated, beloved, and frequently performed musicals of all time. Fiddler has a special place in the hearts of Jews the world around, but there is much behind the scenes history of which most of us are unaware. Sholem Aleichem, Marc Chagall, Jerome Robbins, and Zero Mostel are just a few of the Jews who were central to the creation of Fiddler, and the trials and tribulations with which they coped in bringing it to reality form a fascinating look at the cultural and political history of its time. In a two-part, Sunday morning series on February 23 and March 2, AJ is delighted to host Maestro Karl Middleman, Founder and former Music Director of the Philadelphia Classical Symphony and member of the faculty of Temple University, who will offer his keen insights into the quirks, difficulties, and raptures that the creators encountered. The series will include large dollops of memorable music, dance, and art mixed with a heavy helping of behind-the scenes capers, and for those who register, brunch will be served! $10 per person per session. Please register here.

Presentation on Rav Hazzan Glantz's Recent Trip to Israel
Monday, February 24 following evening Minyan
Due to a weather scare on February 8, Rav Hazzan Glantz only presented the first part of his talk from his visit to Eretz Israel last month with his daughter, Rory. On Monday night, February 24, after the evening minyan, you have the opportunity to hear... the rest of the story. Rav Hazzan will recap his roots relative to his love of Hebrew and Israel and then take you along on his journey of differences and serendipitous events.  You will experience music, images, and video, just how he found Israel to be transformed, from his very arrival at Ben Gurion airport. Digitally preserved for you are the stays and visits in Central and Southern Israel. Meet his "framily" in Mevaseret Tzion, attend a bris in Beit Shemesh and a swearing in ceremony for paratroopers at the Kotel, and tour the memorials and remnants of the October 7 massacres in the South.

Have You Visited AJ's Community Bulletin Board?
We have launched a new page on our website called "AJ Community Bulletin Board." In blog format, we'll be letting you know about things we think may be of interest to you. You'll find non-AJ events that are happening in the Philadelphia community and beyond, thoughts from Rav Shai, content concerning Israel, etc. Check it out here!

Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785