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Our Story

We have moved from location to location. We have welcomed newcomers from all nationalities. We have evolved into an egalitarian congregation. We have changed with the times. But one thing has remained constant — our dedication to our role as a synagogue to preserve and transmit Judaism from generation to generation, and to embrace the mission of the Jewish people to perfect the world under God’s sovereignty for all humanity.

The Mission of the Congregation

Adath Jeshurun’s unique practice of Conservative Judaism is centered upon education, prayer and community service. We are a community of families committed to educating ourselves and our children to become active practicing Jews. We operate with a dedication to tikkun olam and tzedakah. We welcome all who wish to practice Judaism in an open, inclusive environment.

Our History

Congregation Adath Jeshurun, "The Congregation of the Upright," was founded on the fourth day of Sukkot, 1858. The original minutes were recorded in German and the Services were conducted in both German and Hebrew. In 1873 a choir was incorporated to enhance the beauty of the service and, in 1876, an organ was installed.

In 1910, Max D. Klein, a young rabbinic student at the Jewish Theological Seminary, became the spiritual leader of AJ. Through his leadership, he guided the congregation toward the Conservative Movement, making AJ a founding member of the United Synagogue of America.

Our Congregation, while steeped in history and tradition, continues to evolve through the changing needs of our members. We are an open and welcoming congregation. We recognize the diversity of Jewish life and want all seekers to be able to find a place among us.

Adath Jeshurun's history has been, and continues to be, one of service to members, to the community, to the Conservative Movement, and to Judaism, all of which is made possible because of the caliber of its spiritual and lay leaders and the devotion and dedication of its congregants.

We are proud of AJ’s long history. It is an original Conservative synagogue that predates Conservative Judaism. It was one of only 22 founding synagogues of the United Synagogue of America, now known as the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. It was in existence 28 years before the Jewish Theological Seminary of America was founded in 1886, and 55 years before the United Synagogue was formed in 1913.

Historical Timeline

Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785