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Service Schedule


Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat services are at 6:15 PM. Watch for monthly “Kabbalat Shabbat with Strings Attached” programming for a unique and engaging experience. "Strings Attached" features Hazzan Glantz playing the acoustic guitar. It is usually followed by an oneg (lite bites).

Shabbat Morning services are held every Saturday in the main sanctuary at 9:30 AM; Havurah services have been suspended due to COVID-19.

Mincha-Ma'ariv-Havdalah: Please check the AJ Calendar for up-to-date start times or the service schedule at left.

Minyan: How many of us are working on something we care about, but are not sure if it is making a difference? Minyan — the minimum 10 Jews that must be present for a mourner to recite Kaddish — is a cure for that uncertainty! Every time you walk into Minyan, you are part of the countdown to ten; sometimes you are THE tenth. And it’s YOU who has made the difference between a mourner saying Kaddish or not — Hebrew not required. Just showing up makes a difference; how many things can you say that about? Minyan gathers morning and evening at AJ six days a week; of special note is that morning Minyan is always followed with warm bagel breakfasts to which “All are invited, no exceptions!”  

P.S.  By “all” we mean “all” — you are NOT required to be a member to join us. But you will want to because we’re such a collection of personalities. Trust us on this!

Daily Minyan services are held mornings and evenings.
Morning Minyan is always available at AJ followed by breakfast. 
Evening services are held Sunday through Thursday.

•  Sunday:  9:00 AM and 7:00 PM
•  Monday and Thursday:  7:20 AM and 7:00 PM
•  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday:  7:30 AM and 7:00 PM
 •  Rosh Hodesh (weekday):  7:00 AM

Please be sure to check the AJ Calendar as times may occasionally differ from those listed above.

For holiday and summer service times or if you are unsure about any start times, please call the synagogue for the service schedule at 215.635.6611, consult our Newsletter, or view the AJ Calendar.

In 2020 and 2021, during the COVID-19 pandemic, AJ decided that halakhah allowed service attendees/participants who joined via Zoom to have the standing that, in typical circumstances, were bestowed only upon daveners actually in the synagogue building. As the pandemic waned, and we reinstituted daily morning and evening services in the building, we "sunsetted" the guidelines we followed during Covid. You can find the full explanation here.

For information about kiddush or oneg sponsorship, contact the synagogue office at 215.635.6611.

Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785