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Congregation Adath Jeshurun is an inclusive, egalitarian Conservative synagogue. All are welcome irrespective of gender, race, or sexual orientation. We welcome dual-faith families who want to be involved in the Jewish community.
Congregation Adath Jeshurun welcomes all individuals who are Jewish or are part of an interfaith couple/family who have committed themselves to or are interested in Jewish life.
As a member of AJ, you’ll not only be a synagogue member, but also part of a caring, vibrant community. Some of the benefits of membership are:
Access to clergy for pastoral counseling, advice, and lifecycle events. Our clergy are resources for advice and counseling on all things Jewish as well as personal concerns, and are available to officiate at lifecycle events such as a baby naming, bris, b' mitzvah, ufruf, wedding, funeral, etc.
Open seating for High Holy Day services; we don’t assign seats! Unlike many synagogues, AJ doesn’t reserve High Holy Day seats (with a few exceptions). You decide where you want to sit when you enter the sanctuary. All members have the opportunity to pray in the same sanctuary at the same time!
Children’s services during the High Holy Days and Shabbat. These services are another way for your children to connect with other AJ kids!
Special member rates for AJ’s Early Learning Center (ELC). There are discounted rates for ELC families.
Religious School. When your kids are in kindergarten, 7th, 8th, and 10th grade, tuition is discounted!
Adult education classes taught by our clergy and staff, and community leaders. We believe that education doesn’t stop at any age, so every year we offer classes with topics that both challenge as well as enrich us.
Visits and support during times of illness and loss. Our Rabbi and Hazzan are always available for support during times of illness as well as loss. They make visits whether the patient is in the hospital, rehab center, or at home. Our clergy also conduct funerals as well as follow up with the remaining family for support.
Food. After most services, there are refreshments and a fabulous opportunity for shmoozing. Often there is a luncheon following Shabbat services that is open to the entire congregation.
Being part of a larger community. We are a diverse, welcoming community where everyone feels at home! Join us!
Come to services! Visitors are always welcome to experience the warmth of our congregation at Shabbat services and daily minyan. You’re always welcome either for daily minyan or Shabbat Services (Friday evening or Saturday morning) to experience the warmth of our congregation.
Try a class! Check out our adult education programs.
Visit the Early Learning Center or Religious School! To see our dynamic programs, arrange a visit by contacting either our Preschool Director, Tracey Perchick at tperchick@adathjeshurun.info or 215.635.3490; or Etgar Religious School Director, Jan Nossbaum at jnossbaum@bethsholomcongregation.org.
Visit us on social media! Our Facebook page is a great way to feel the pulse of AJ and learn about any events you might like to attend. We also have a Facebook Community page.
Contact us! For more information about AJ, contact the synagogue office at 215.635.6611. We look forward to sharing with you all the wonderful opportunities that AJ has to offer.