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Kikar 5785

Registration for Kikar

The word kikar means square, circle, and gathering place. That’s our goal: squaring the circle of Jewish teen education through gathering teens for experiential learning. The class is open to 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students. This class is open to the community as well as AJ students.

For AJ Students:

Gratz College has approved this class for college credit for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students ONLY. If you are requesting college credit ($300), you will be required to pay your tuition fees and college credit fees by 10/15/24. Those students in 8th grade OR 9th, 10th and 11th graders not wanting college credit will be billed for their Kikar tuition ($100 for 8th graders and 10th graders*; and $850 for 9th and 11th graders).
*8th and 10th grades are supported by AJ endowments.

For non-AJ Students:

College credit is available for 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students ONLY. The fee for 8th graders is $850. The fee for 9th, 10th, and 11th graders, with and without credit, is $1,500 and $1,200 respectively.  All fees must be paid immediately.

You can download a calendar of activities here
Please fill out a separate form for each teen you are registering for.
Parent Information
Student Information
PLEASE NOTE: If your teen wants college credit, their attendance is expected as it would be in any other class. In addition to the calendar of classes, for-credit students will be expected to participate in 10 hours of inter-generational synagogue programming. Details to follow.
PLEASE NOTE: If your teen wants college credit, their attendance is expected as it would be in any other class. In addition to the calendar of classes, for-credit students will be expected to participate in 10 hours of inter-generational synagogue programming. Details to follow.
Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785