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High Holidays 2023

You can register for all of AJ's High Holiday events below!

   Selichot with Naturalist Mike Weilbacher (Saturday, September 9)
   Sukkah Decorating and Pizza Party (Wednesday, September 27)
   Family Hakafot (Friday, October 6)
Break the Fast (Monday, September 25)
Break your fast with us on Yom Kippur at approximately 7:30 PM. We'll have all of your favorite Break the Fast fare including lox, whitefish, herring, kippered salmon, bagels and cream cheese. kugel, cheese, lettuce and tomato, fruit, assorted cakes, and beverages. The cost is $36 for adults, $20 for children 6 to 12, and free for children under 6. Family maximum is $100. 
   Adults ($36)
   Children, 6 to 12 years ($20)
   Family Maximum ($100) (Just choose a quantity of 1)
Dinners in the Sukkah
Let us know below which, if any, dinners in the sukkah you'll be attending. If you don't plan to attend a particular dinner, choose "0". Dinner will be followed by the evening service, except where noted.

Shabbat Dinner in the Sukkah on Friday, September 29 is $18 per adult, $50 per family. The other dinners listed below are $5 per person. 

In addition to the dinners listed below, feel free to bring a dairy dinner to enjoy in the sukkah on Saturday, September 30 and Wednesday, October 4. On October 4, join us in the sukkah with Israelis and American-Israelis for a frank discussion about what we don’t know and /or don’t understand about one another’s cultures. (Obviously, there is no charge for these dinners.)
   Adults ($18 per adult)
   Family ($50 per family) (Just choose a quantity of 1)
Fri, February 14 2025 16 Shevat 5785