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StandWithUs Rally to Support Jews and Israel

06/28/2024 10:05:40 AM



StandWithUs will be holding a rally on Wednesday, July 3 at 4:30 PM. Make your voice heard at the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly for its 6,000 delegates' annual vote on various New Business Items (NBI), some of which are antisemitic and anti-Israel. Educators for Palestine will be there to support the antisemitic NBIs. Will you be there to counterprotest and urge delegates to vote no? The rally will be heard outside the Pennsylvania Convention Center, at 1101 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19107. StandWithUs will have signs available for distribution. Attendees are encouraged to bring American and Israeli flags or their own signs. StandWithUs suggests the following messaging for signs: “Keeping Hatred and Bias out of the Classroom,” “Supporting Jewish Students and Teachers,” and “Education Over Indoctrination.” StandWithUs is an international, non-partisan education organization that supports Israel and fights antisemitism. Questions? Contact StandWithUs Director of K-12 Educator Outreach David Smokler, at

Mon, November 4 2024 3 Cheshvan 5785