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Rabbi Rosenbloom's Writings

Rabbi Rosenbloom's Archived Perspectives Columns

June/July 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: “Too Little Mercy, Too Little Love”
May 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: Kol Nidre in the Hospital
April 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards Conclusions on Issues Relating to Gays and Lesbians
March 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: Welcoming Interfaith Families: Challenge, Opportunity, Mandate
February 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: What If I Make a Mistake?
December 2013/January 2014: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: Restoring the Alaynu Text — The Dialectic of Tradition and Change
November 2013: These Are a Few of My Favorite…Columns: A Bris for a Girl
October 2013: Symposium, October 27
August/September 2013: Firsts and Lasts
May/June 2013: The Brown Family Torah: A Historic Dedication
March/April 2013: Passover Calls to Us to “Do Something Great”
February 2013: Announcing My Forthcoming Retirement
December 2012/January 2013: Inclusiveness and Community: Embracing All of Our Souls
November 2012: Doing What Is Important
October 2012: But There’s a Blizzard Outside 
September 2012: A New Year, A More Inclusive Liturgy 
May/June 2012: A Different Format for Confirmation 
March/April 2012: The Role of Religion in Our Lives — Liberating or Enslaving?
February 2012: Is it Time to Include the Matriarchs? 
December 2011/January 2012: Our December Dilemma 
November 2011: The Survivor Tree 
October 2011: South of the Haimish Line 
September 2011: A Solemn Anniversary, The Awe-Inspiring Start to a New Year 
June 2011: June, A Month of Transitions 
May 2011: Credo, Part III 
 April 2011: The Thirtieth Annual Passover Gathering, April 19: Lana and Bernie Dishler to Speak on a New Exodus Community 
March 2011: Happiness Isn’t a Town on a Map
February 2011: Evolution Weekend and the Clergy Letter: Faith and Piety 
December 2010/January 2011: A Jewish Credo 
November 2010: Our Israeli Family Connection 
October 2010: Planning Meeting for Israel and Prague Visit in May 
September 2010: A Year of “New Days” Begins 
May/June 2010: Confirmation, A Congregational Celebration 
April 2010: Becoming an Organ Donor: Giving the “Gift of Life” 
March 2010: Simplifying Passover Restrictions 
February 2010: A Guest Perspective: “A Purposeful Life,” by Brian Chacker 
December 2009/January 2010: Have a Cup of Coffee on Me! 
November 2009: The Mitzvah Initiative: The Response 
October 2009: A Mystical Shabbat with Kirtan Rabbi 
September 2009: The Mitzvah Initiative: When MITZ-vah becomes Mitz-VAH 
June 2009: A Transition: Looking Back and Looking Forward 
May 2009: “Shhh… It’s an AJ Secret”: Thank You!
April 2009: Sandy Schinfeld’s Two Questions: The Twenty-Eighth Annual Passover Gathering 
March 2009: Here Comes The Blessing of the Sun 
February 2009: The “Clergy Letter Project”: Evolution Shabbat, February 14 
January 2009: Black Friday at Wal-Mart—Really Black 
December 2008: Faithful to Our Heritage, Worthy of Our Future 
November 2008: Welcoming Interfaith Families Challenge, Opportunity, Mandate 
October 2008: A Green Shabbat Candle for a Greener Earth: The Shabbat Eco-Candle 
September 2008: Back to the Past 
June 2008: From the Preface to the Revised Edition of Seder Avodah, Part II: Innovations in this Edition of Seder Avodah 
May 2008: A New Seder Avodah 
April 2008: A Moment of Reflection on an Incredible Journey AJ at 150: The Celebration Begins
March 2008: “Too Little Mercy, Too Little Love” 
February 2008: Becoming an Organ Donor Giving the “Gift of Life” 
December 2007: What Is. And What Ought to Be. 
November 2007: But There’s a Blizzard Outside 
October 2007: A New Chancellor, A New Era, A New Message 
September 2007: Why We Come to the Synagogue 
June 2007: As the Year Turns 
May 2007: A Guest Perspective: Reuniting and Reconnecting—In Support of Our Troops, by The Honorable Allyson Y. Schwartz
April 2007: The Twenty-Sixth Annual Passover Gathering: Tuesday Morning, April 3, “Together for Tomorrow” 
March 2007: The View from the Other Side of the Hospital Bed 
February 2007: So Many Names 
January 2007: The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards Conclusions on Issues Relating to Gays and Lesbians 
December 2006: What American Jews Think 
November 2006: Terrible Times 
October 2006: The Saddest of Illusions 
September 2006: Love and Concern for Israel 
June 2006: A New Leader for the Conservative Movement Ties to AJ 
April/May 2006: The Twenty-Fifth Annual Passover Gathering 
March 2006: Join Me for a Congregational Pilgrimage to Israel in December 2006 
February 2006: Seder Avodah Revisions — The Next Step: A Call for Volunteer-Partners 
January 2006: Shabbat Across AJ 
December 2005: Transforming “Acts of Duty” into “Songs of Joy” 
November 2005: “I’m Fine” 
October 2005: One Life at a Time 
September 2005: Only at AJ 
June 2005: Church and State in America Today — A Culture of Life and Death 
May 2005: Lessons of the Deaths of Pope John Paul II and Terry Schiavo 
April 2005:  The Twenty-Fourth Annual Passover Gathering: A Celebration of Freedom from Tyranny 
March 2005: Even If You Are Afraid to Ask 
February 2005: Kehillah Comes of Age 
January 2005: Receiving the “Curious” 
December 2004: A Moment for Re-Dedication for Adath Jeshurun and Hazzan Glantz 
November 2004: What If I Make a Mistake? 
October 2004: “Truthful Faith, Faithful Practice” Recruiting Searchers 
September 2004: Rosh HaShanah: A Really New Beginning 
June 2004: Honoring Hazzan Davidson 
May 2004: Dr. Ismar Schorsch: Celebrating Eighteen Years as Chancellor of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America 
April 2004: The Twenty-Third Annual Passover Gathering: “I Am Jewish” 
March 2004: In Every Generation 
February 2004: The Kosher Cow 
January 2004: In Memory of Rabbi Abraham J. Karp: My Rabbi, Mentor, and Friend 
December 2003: The Practice of Jewish Law is Forbidden! 
November 2003: Organ Donor Shabbat: December 6, 2003
October 2003: From Rockin’ and Rollin’ to Davenin’ and Learnin’ 
September 2003: AJ’s Rockin’ 
June 2003: Rabbi Fredi Cooper: In Appreciation 
May 2003: New Shabbat Pre-Minhah Study: “Living a Jewish Life” 
April 2003: The Twenty-Second Annual Passover Gathering: A Time for Community 
March 2003: Their Names Are In the Stars 
February 2003: Letters

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784